Book’s augmented reality layers break the ice with potential partners

Augmented reality 3D models featured in a book for sculptors deliver great marketing value as the new tech gets foot-in-the-door with partners.


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Project overview

The authors of “Anatomy for Sculptors”, Uldis Zarins and Sandis Kondrats, included ten augmented reality markers within their first book to aid the readers’ learning process. However, before it hit the shelves, the technology turned out to be an excellent conversation starter with potential partners.


Although initlly augmented reality content within the book was intended as an additional spatial learning resource, the author-duo realized that it works great as a marketing tool. Now with their books read by hundreds of thousands across the USA, Europe, and Asia, the authors credit the AR technology as one of the key reasons for establishing great contacts.

Augmented reality as a conversation starter

At the time of launching the book in 2014, augmented reality was still something new on the market so people who saw our book were curious about it,” recalls Uldis. “At the end of the day, the quality of the traditional print content is still key in any book. If the content is bad, the technology will not pull you through. But these days it is very challenging to capture people’s attention and through using an unknown solution we were able to draw attention to our book and get potential partners to explore its content. AR turned out to be a great support in our communication.

Catching attention across sectors

There was a time when the two authors thought that virtual and augmented reality was not adding value to their book, but recalling how they established the excellent contacts they have today, it is clear that the hype of these same technologies was the driving force. “New tech solutions help capture the most expensive thing a person has, their attention. And that applies across industries and could work the same in a museum, for example. If people are apprehensive about going to a museum or reading a book, have no interest in it in general, you can break their perception by adding a new medium for them to explore. New technologies are something that the majority of people are keen to have a look at regardless of their specific interests,” adds Uldis.

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