Eurovision hopefuls bid for votes in augmented reality

Before European singers hit the Eurovision stage, each country goes through a national selection, where their nation’s favorites are selected. The competition in Latvia is titled SUPERNOVA and its vote is made up of various aspects, including votes on the web, phone lines, Spotify, as well as the verdicts of the judges. Augmented reality vote featuring the Overly app joined the line-up in 2019.


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Scan this image with the free Overly app

Project overview

In collaboration with the digital agency, BRIGHT, we created an interactive augmented reality voting stand. We placed it in the largest shopping center in Latvia, ALFA. Called the ALFA vote, shoppers were invited to use augmented reality to reveal contestants’ video appeals for votes as well as to choose their favorite. To incentivize by-passers, those taking part in the local Eurovision ballot were entered into ALFA gift card draw — one gift card for the voter and the other for their favorite artist. 


The AR stand, featuring eight augmented reality markers, was located right at the main entrance of ALFA two weeks ahead of the national Eurovision final. All featured contestants popped by for interviews that were streamed on ALFA  social media channels, including Facebook, as well as SUPERNOVA Facebook page and the contestant personal social media profiles to spread the word about the ALFA vote. The vote was promoted during the live broadcast of the Latvian national selection for the Eurovision song  contest. In total, ALFA’s augmented reality vote generated more than 2,000 scans.

Sponsors’ vote empowered by its clientele in augmented reality

What is very special about this case is how the sponsor gave up its vote to its customers. All significant events have key sponsors who frequently get to choose for their favorites. ALFA’s team had scooped this exclusive opportunity, but they decided to take it out of the head office. Customers are what make their business, so it was only fitting for the vote to be concluded that way. This was a unique vote that was made up exclusively for the shopping centre’s customers and visitors. To ensure this aspect, every visitor had to sign up to ALFA’s  wi-fi network to view the videos and cast their vote.

Augmented reality walk through by the ALFA vote host on Facebook (Latvian)

Augmented reality photo and video transition considered from the get-go

The eight augmented reality markers, which featured the contestants, were created hand in hand with video production to ensure markers had smooth transitions to video. Another aspect that creatives ensured is easy-to-consume videos. The stars were tasked with utilizing just a mere 20 seconds to get their message across to the voters, which made it possible for shoppers to quickly watch all video snippets and hit the vote button once they’ve seen enough.

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