Gatis Zvejnieks

CTO and Co-founder, Overly

Gatis has worked with developing AR & VR solutions since 2011 and in addition to launching Overly, he established the first AR/VR Hackathon in the Baltics in 2017. He is also one of the co-founders of the Latvian extended reality community driving the industry forward and helping bring new XR business ideas to fruition in the region.
It All Starts With a Dream: How Augmented Reality Helps Homeowners and Builders See the Vision
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Explore a diverse range of augmented reality apps that both reflect how AR is used today and signal the trends that are yet to take off as hardware and software capabilities develop.
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Looking to integrate 3D elements into your augmented reality project? Our blog covers everything you need to know about creating static and animated 3D experiences.
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