Our team scoured the World Wide Web and put together a Christmas augmented reality compilation to help you sprinkle a touch of magic on your gifts this Christmas. Be it for corporate or personal celebrations each idea can be adapted to your specific circumstances.

1. Magical greeting cards & invites

Add video, animations, or 3D objects to your traditional cards. The New Riga Theatre revealed its new building with an AR greeting card, while the Baltic Travel Group took its customers and partners by surprise with a DIY Christmas music video. Adding a home video layer to a Christmas card of your own design is really easy and is an exciting yet simple thing to do for personal, not just corporate greetings.

2. Multi-dimensional packaging

Think outside the box and make sure your gift packaging or wrapper steals the show. You can use the space to wish people a happy holiday and use the stuff inside the box to make the greeting ever sweeter! Below is an interactive product reveal packaging example from Tele2, but we’ve done some awesome AR projects for sweets packaging, and you can see some cases on our Instagram or YouTube.

3. Drink coasters

A drink coaster is the perfect corporate gift during the frosty winter months when teas, coffees, and hot chocs go down a treat (and cocktails, of course)! Create branded drink coasters and spice them up with a Christmas greeting or a game. Here you’ll find excellent AR drink coaster examples from Dan Murphy to get your inspiration all juiced up!


4. Augmented Christmas jumpers

Cute Christmas sweaters are superb presents in the season to be merry! Get your friends some Teletubbies’ functionality going on with fun AR feature videos or animations & electrify their Christmas spirit! Studio5 has done an absolutely awesome job with their Augmented Ugly Christmas sweaters.

5. Chocs too interactive to eat

It’s not just the packaging, you can augment the gift or product itself, be it chocolates, cookies or cakes. Create a custom design and let the AR content be the icing on the cake! Here’s one of our tastiest examples from when we worked with “Visit Tallin” – an augmented reality cookie.

6. Wine storytelling

Here is a ready-made AR Christmas gift in the form of 19 Crimes wine bottle. This drink not only opens you up to tell stories but offers augmented reality companions ready to share theirs. You can, of course, create your own labels for different drinks and supercharge your storytelling efforts for family or business surprises. 

7. Christmas pillow talk

Bedding is a popular gift at Christmas. You may not go for a full set of bedsheets, but an AR pillow or blanket with Christmas motives will work as a settle Christmas decor at any house or office. We love the version from SpinTales for children and are absolutely sure that kids would really appreciate the idea, especially in the most magical time of the year!

8. Living canvas or albums

Babies are cute, but you can add a touch of AR to any family photo. You can also add an AR holiday greeting on top of a beautiful canvas or photo frames. Actions speak louder than words, and AR can speak louder than photos, so if you’re feeling extra innovative, you can even pull together an album of inspiring content to keep your memories alive.

9. Storyboard calendars

Calendars are an age-old gift ahead of the New Year. AR offers an opportunity to add a brand new twist to this traditional content. You can tell your family stories by month or highlight your special moments through video messages. You could even hide an invite to a birthday party in an AR video on your birthday month.

Do you have any more ideas you’d like to add? Leave a comment or contact us to share projects and your ideas.

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Mariam Praise
Mariam Praise

Honestly, I do love the Gift Ideas that you have here and I hope to get more from you. I am in search of Gift ideas for Upcoming Celebrations so I just have to make research. Thanks for your help!

Elīna Karole
Elīna Karole
Reply to  Mariam Praise

Hey, Mariam! Glad this came in handy, we will be sure to pull together more augmented reality ideas for other celebrations throughout the year.

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